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您所在的位置:首頁 > 腎內(nèi)科診療指南 > 2007KDOQI慢性腎臟病貧血指南


2014-05-06 20:17 閱讀:2378 來源:愛愛醫(yī) 責(zé)任編輯:張子玲
[導(dǎo)讀] The National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Dis-ease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) was founded on the principles of struc-tured review with data extraction of pertinentarticles.


    The National Kidney Foundation-Kidney Dis-ease Outcomes Quality Initiative (NKF-KDOQI) was founded on the principles of struc-tured review with data extraction of pertinentarticles. Updates to the original KDOQI guide-lines (1997) first appeared in 2000 and again in2006 for Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis, Vas-cular Access, and Anemia. Timelines of KDOQIupdates are based on criteria that include impor-tant changes in body of evidence that change thebasics for specific guideline content; importantchanges in body of evidence that change thestrength of recommendations previously pub-lished; and change in understanding of physiol-ogy or mechanisms that may impact on interpre-tation of previous data and/or continued variationor uncertainty, confusion, or conflict in ***rma-tion available such that there is overt evidencethat this variation leads to compromise in clinicaloutcomes.


    The KDOQI Chair, Vice-Chair, or Work GroupChairs can also request consideration of an up-date of a portion of a specific guideline whennew evidence is published that may significantlyimpact specific CPG statements. This proce***as activated in November 2006 to considerpossible revisions to the May 2006 CPGs andCPRs for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease(CKD)。 Discussions on possible revisions to theanemia guidelines were first held with NKFleadership, the KDOQI Chair and Vice-Chair,the NKF Evidence Review Team (ERT), and theAnemia Work Group Co-Chairs. A timetable wasdeveloped for review of new evidence since thetime of the last anemia update, and the AnemiaWork Group was reconvened for the 2007 Ane-mia Update.

    A series of conference calls was held amongthe Anemia Work Group members and ERT inpreparation for a face-to-face meeting of theseindividuals in Dallas, TX, on February 2–3,2007. Additional conference calls were held afterthis meeting to both finalize the document and toconsider possible revisions to the document basedon comments received during the public reviewperiod. This publication, KDOQI Clinical Prac-tice Guideline and Clinical Practice Recommen-dations for Anemia in Chronic Kidney Disease:2007 Update of Hemoglobin Target, reports theoutcome of this KDOQI updating process.






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