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2013-01-09 11:09 閱讀:2765 來源:環(huán)球醫(yī)學(xué) 作者:網(wǎng)* 責任編輯:網(wǎng)絡(luò)
[導(dǎo)讀] 靜脈血栓栓塞的風險因激素療法劑型的不同而差異較大,口服雌激素-孕酮激素療法患者的風險最大,尤其是劑型中含有醋酸甲羥孕酮。




  結(jié)果:在共計330萬年的隨訪中,2200名婦女患有靜脈血栓栓塞,平均使用激素療法1.5年后被診斷出來。在上一個報告中,當前正在使用激素療法的患者與從未使用的患者的相對風險差異因激素療法劑型的不同而不同:與單獨口服雌激素相比,口服雌激素-孕酮的風險明顯升高(相對風險2.07 [95%CI 1.86-2.31] vs 1.42 [1.21-1.66]),單獨經(jīng)皮給藥雌激素的風險沒有升高(0.82 [0.64-1.06])。在口服雌激素-孕酮的患者中,激素療法的風險因孕酮類型的不同而不同,含有醋酸甲羥孕酮的劑型明顯高于其他孕酮的風險(2.67 [2.25-3.17] vs 1.91 [1.69-2.17];異質(zhì)性為0.0007)。上一個報告中指出,目前使用激素療法的患者,開始使用激素療法的頭兩年與隨后相比,患靜脈血栓栓塞的風險高出兩倍(異質(zhì)性為0.0006)。無論患肺栓塞與否,使用激素療法與深靜脈栓塞間的相關(guān)性相似。5年后,1660名從未使用激素療法的患者中有1名患者患肺栓塞而接受住院治療,相比而言,單獨口服雌激素激素療法的475名患者中有1名患肺栓塞,390名使用含炔諾酮/甲基炔諾酮的雌激素-孕酮激素療法的患者中有1名患肺栓塞,250名使用含醋酸甲羥孕酮的雌激素-孕酮療法的患者中有1名患肺栓塞。


  Venous thromboembolism risk in relation to use of different types of postmenopausal hormone therapy in a large prospective study

  Sweetland S, Beral V, Balkwill A, Liu B, Benson VS, Canonico M, Green J, Reeves GK; The Million Women Study Collaborators.

  J Thromb Haemost. 2012 Sep 10. doi: 10.1111/j.1538-7836.2012.04919.x. [Epub ahead of print]

  Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, Richard Doll Building, Roosevelt Drive, Oxford OX3 7LF, United Kingdom The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia Inserm Unit 1018, Hormone and Cardiovascular Disease Section, Villejuif Cedex, France.


  Background:Current use of menopausal hormone therapy (HT) increases venous thromboembolism (VTE) risk and the formulations used may affect risk. Methods: 1,058,259 postmenopausal UK women were followed by record linkage to routinely collected National Health Service hospital admission and death records. HT use and risk of VTE was examined using Cox regression to estimate relative risks (RRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results: During 3.3million years of follow-up, 2200 women had an incident VTE, diagnosed 1.5 years, on average, after last reporting HT use. RRs in current versus never users at last reporting varied by HT formulation: risk was significantly greater for oral estrogen-progestin than oral estrogen-only therapy (RR=2.07 [95%CI:1.86-2.31] versus 1.42 [1.21-1.66]), with no increased risk with transdermal estrogen-only therapy (0.82 [0.64-1.06]). Among users of oral estrogen-progestin, HT risk varied by progestin type, with significantly greater risks for preparations containing medroxyprogesterone acetate than other progestins (2.67 [2.25-3.17] versus 1.91 [1.69-2.17];P(heterogeneity) =0.0007). Current users of oral HT at last reporting had twice the risk of VTE in the first two years after starting than later (P(heterogeneity) =0.0006). Associations were similar for deep vein thrombosis with and without pulmonary embolism. Over five years, 1 in 660 never users of HT were admitted to hospital for (or died from) pulmonary embolism, compared to 1 in 475 current users of oral estrogen-only HT,1 in 390 users of estrogen-progestin HT containing norethisterone/norgestrel, and 1 in 250 users of estrogen-progestin HT containing medroxyprogesterone acetate. Conclusions: VTE risk varied considerably by HT formulation, being greatest in users of oral estrogen-progestin HT, especially formulations containing medroxyprogesterone acetate. 2012 International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis.






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